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Nonsurgical Methods
dolgu   What are fillers? What is Hyaluronic acid and fat injection?

Fillers are injectable medical supplies that are used for aesthetical purposes in filling collapsed areas caused by structural reasons, aging, diseases or operations. Different substances are defined and being defined as fillers. But most common used and accepted ones among the doctors are fat and hyaluronic acid. Fat that is used for filling is collected mostly from abdominal fat tissue from the patient’s own body, because of its wealth and resistance. It is processed
differently depending on the technique that is used and injected to filling sites. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that already exists in human body and it is produced with natural ways on laboratories; they are transferred in special injectors that contain hyaluronic acid gel and local anesthetics like lidocaine in a usable form of viscous liquid and stored at temperature of 2-25 degrees. This filler can be found in pharmaceutical warehouses under different brands ready for usage of only doctors. Hyaluronic acid is prepared to use external local use; it shows its effect on injection sites that lasts for months. Fat and hyaluronic acid are used as periodical treatment for different disorders of variety of different body parts.

What is facial filling application?

Facial filling is used for filling of areas that skin collapses and facial lines for aesthetical purposes. Most common usages are filling of the sulcus between nose and upper lip called nasolabial sulcus, the line that intersects with comissure of lips called marionette line and horizontal wrinkles around the comissure and vertical wrinkles above the upper lips. It is also used to make lips look more noticeable and fleshy by injections to sub-mucosal layer of lips. Other than these it can be applied equally to other needed parts of the face to give contour.

How is fat injection and hyaluronic acid injection applied?

Hyaluronic acid application is a procedure that can be done at office conditions. It's packed as ready for use. Collection of fat and preparation for first time should be at sterile operating conditions with local anesthesia and sedation. It's collected from a small entrance and mostly from abdomen, the amount that will be used for that injection is processed and rest is stored at a frozen state to use at other sessions. Fat and hyaluronic acid fillers are applied similarly. First the injection sites are swapped clean with a disinfectant, a cream that contains local anesthetics is applied to surface and sensitivity is reduced. After that, hyaluronic acid is injected with special fine tipped injectors and fat is injected with canulla to different sites of the face on predetermined dosages depending on patients needs, at semi sitting position. Contraindications of hyaluronic acid applications are untreated epilepsy, predisposition to hypertrophic scar formation, allergies to hyaluronic acid or lidocaine, pregnancy, childhood, active acnes, herpes and inflamated tissues and synchronous laser application, chemical peeling with dermabration On the other hand usage of anticoagulants, aspirin, vitamin C, drugs that disrupts the metabolism, existence of autoimmune diseases, generally allergic structure, liver diseases, cardiac block disease and streptococcus infection are situations that decisions must be made with care.

How is after filling process ?

It's important that fat and hyaluronic acid filling applications to be done by specialists and a soft massage is crucial for equal distribution, a cold application is done afterwards. There can be bruising, redness, feeling of itchiness and pain can be seen at injection points for a week. But there is no problem with covering these with make-up after 12 hours. Patients who had fillings must be careful not to use creams for a week. After hyaluronic acid filling patients should avoid sun, UV lights, temperatures that's below 0 degree, sauna and Turkish bath for 2 weeks. These restrictions are more flexible with fat injection. Patients are called for controls if required. Effective time of hyaluronic acid is in 4-6 months. Fat dissolves partially within months but some of it remains. The procedure needs to be repeated after a time depending on patient.

Copyright/Main Edition 2012          Limited Revision 2022          Prof. Dr. BURCAK TUMERDEM ULUG

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